
Are you a moon ?like silver plate

dazzling up so high

And shining with the little star

so far in the sky.


Where you get ?the light you cast

down upon the earth

I simply wonder while I see

east west and south.


What a delightful play, you go

with the darken clouds

Once you enter, once you out

while the lightening shouts.


While you cast your glance in world

with the shining light

What a charming scene I see

while I walk at night.


While I cast my glance in shade

there beneath the tree

There I see some silver pieces

dazzling up so free.


Blooming lotus on the pond

laughing with delight

And dancing with slightly air

at the dead of night.


All the village jolly coming out

child youth and old

And singing walking as per mind

as like heroes bold.

(Composed: Agrahayon, 1347 BS)



Flower,  flower come away

in my darken heart

Enlight with your pretty colour

make me strong and smart.


Flower, flower come away

leaving all the bee

I can please you as you like

if you come with me.


I know dancing as the bee

I am all in all

I know loving and to sing

pay ear to my call.


Flower, flower come away

as the poet is calling

Mix him with your laughing faces

hear the heartfelt buzzing.

(Composed: Agrahayon, 1347 BS)



Life is ending but no peace of mind

sun life about to set

Struggling and tired of but with peace

have no chance to meet.


Come sharp peace !where are you

I am about to die

Save me from such immense troubles

rule my painful cry.


Hallow peace are you leaving here on earth

or now in golden heaven?

Searching, searching ruined the life

death is knocking even.


Seems you are not for clumsy world

but for angels there

Where no entrance for so troubles

always peaceful dear.

(Composed:Kartik1347 BS)


Altamash !Altamash come away

from the darken grave

Shedding tears your father here

favour awful crave.


Wake up wake up my dear John

come away from so dark

Show me once more your fairy furs

which you rub your mark.


Your departing from the world

made me delirious one

Also ruined my so sweet life

rote to spirit has gone.


Dream I draw heartily screen

with the hope ink black

For your want has gone to dogs

change in poorhut cock.


Altamash !Altamash come away

show me once your face

Hoping all will come back again

giveme life so fresh.

(Composed:Poush 1347 BS)